Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Colloquium XXV Music Book Available for Download!


Hot off the presses…

take a look through the Colloquium Music book before you get to Pittsburgh. Although you’ll receive a nicely printed copy at registration, you can see it online now.

Download the book here: Colloquium XXV Music Book

For all the details about the event, visit the Colloquium details page here:
Colloquium Details

Choral Track Recordings Available

matt curtisNew Audio Practice Files have been uploaded to our Music Downloads page. Matthew Curtis (of has recorded Peter Kwasniewski’s composition O Passio Magna. This motet will be sung by the choir directed by John Robinson at Wednesday’s Mass on July 1st at the Colloquium.

Listen to the Balanced Voices Recording here:

Balanced Voices

For downloads of the music pdf and other practice recordings for each voice, visit the downloads page.

We hope to have the entire Colloquium Music Book ready for download very soon — within the next couple of days.

Please note: All registration changes must be in place by the end of the day Monday, June 15th, when registration for the Colloquium will close.

New Music: Submission Deadline June 15

15deadlineThe time is drawing near to choose which submissions to send in for this year’s New Music reading session. Don’t miss the deadline of June 15th for submission and payment for your compositions to be included in the Colloquium XXV New Music Reading session.

The New Music Reading Session is scheduled for Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 4:30 pm at Synod Hall at St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh. If you have a piece of music you would like to submit for inclusion in the 2015 New Music volume, please sent it to in PDF format by June 15, 2015. Each composer may submit up to two pieces, for a total limit of 15 pages. A piece can be a motet or Mass movement, Latin- or English-texted, or other choral music suitable for the Roman rite.

In your e-mail, be sure to include your contact information for inclusion in the book. As this is a composers’ forum as much as a reading session, participation is limited to registered Colloquium participants. There is a $30 submission fee, paid through paypal or by check to our programs office (address: CMAA, PO Box 4344, Roswell, NM 88202). The fee covers the cost of printing the volume, and saves you from having to make 200+ copies of each of your submitted compositions.

In addition to the New Music Reading session, this year’s breakout schedule includes three days of breakouts with David Hughes, where you’ll be able to collaborate with other composers to fine-tune your compositions. Please bring at least 15 copies of the work you plan to use during the session for participants in the breakout.

If you have questions, please contact us at

Music Downloads Available

courtesy of Stuart Miles at

courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Work on the Music Book for Colloquium 2015 continues. However, some music files are being made available in advance for you to download and preview. Currently, we have several pieces that were engraved especially for the Colloquium on the website, plus the motet by Peter Kwasniewski uploaded.

Check it out at: Music Downloads for Colloquium 2015

Two more days (May 31st deadline) for regular registration for the Colloquium… don’t delay. If you are still on the fence, go over to the Colloquium page and check out the Schedule, Faculty, Breakout Sessions, Repertory, Registration information and more.

Register Now Online


Register by May 15th for Colloquium and save $50 (Extended to May 31!)

Sacred Music Colloquium XXV approaches!

This year’s Colloquium is to be in Pittsburgh, at Duquesne University, June 29 – July 4, 2015. Don’t delay… register now to avoid any late fees. If you register and pay your tuition in full by May 15th, you’ll save yourself $50.

This year’s Colloquium features many options on breakout sessions, with a particular focus on children’s programs. With speakers from choir schools, Pueri Cantores and successful parish programs, you will learn about their successes and be able to take these ideas home for use at your parish.

This year also features the possibility of scheduling a private vocal coaching session with Dr. MeeAe Cecilia Nam during the week. For the first time, we will also have a limited number of private organ lesson sessions available from Dr. Ann Labounsky, Dr. Paul Weber or Jonathan Ryan.

Once again, we’ll have a new music reading session, where composers can hear their compositions sung by the attendees. In addition, composers can participate in a 3-day breakout schedule with David Hughes to collaborate with other composers to fine-tune their chosen composition.

For all the details about the event, including schedule, repertory, faculty and more, visit our Colloquium Details page

Join us in Pittsburgh!

Register Online Now

If you prefer to mail in your registration, please download a registration form and send it to us at CMAA, PO Box 4344, Roswell, NM 88202,  postmarked by May 15th to receive regular tuition rates. Contact us at with any questions.
