Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Ward Dissertation Online

Prof. Alise A. Brown, music educator and teacher of the Ward Method at the University of Northern Colorado, has kindly allowed us to make available on-line her 2007 dissertation, The Life of Justine Ward. Read the dissertation here.

Registration Open for Summer Chant Intensive

This year’s course will return to Duquesne University. The dates are June 3-6, 2013. Come spend a week studying chant with Wilko Brouwers.

More information and registration here.

Colloquium XXIII Schedule Is Here!

We’ve just posted the preliminary schedule for this year’s Colloquium. The dates are June 17-23. Registration is open. Further details should be forthcoming within the week.

Join us!

Winter Intensive: Women Class Filled; Room in Men’s Class

The headline says it all. Men can still register on or before Friday, December 14. Women’s names will be placed on a waiting list at this point. Seminarian scholarships are available. More information and registration form here.

Seminarian Scholarships available for Winter Chant Intensive

This coming Friday, December 14, is the registration deadline for the CMAA’s Winter Chant Intensive in Macon, GA. The dates of the Intensive are January 7-11. The women’s class is nearly full, but there is still some room in the men’s course, taught by David Hughes. This is a wonderful opportunity for seminarians…a few scholarships for seminarians have just become available. To inquire,write to the CMAA at
