Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

CMAA’s Gift of the Parish Book of Chant

We were thrilled to receive the following images in the mail – a thank you from The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, NY, to the Church Music Association of America, which donated ten copies of the Parish Book of Chant to the Seminary.

Historic English Chant

We are very excited to present to you four books that have nearly been lost to history, at least for Catholics. They are authentic Gregorian Graduals in English notated with traditional neumes, put together by the geniuses G.H. Palmer and Francis Burgess, published variously between the 1930s and the 1960s.

Credit for this project goes to Owen Burdick, formerly of Trinity Wall Street, who initiated this project. The source books belonged once to Beale Thomas of the Church of the Ascension and St Agnes Church, who left them behind when he retired. Credit also goes to Haig Mardirosian, Burdick’s predecessor at Ascension for not throwing the books out. A special special note of thanks goes to the Community of St. Mary the Virgin in Wantage for their liberal permissions and encouragement in the posting of these editions.

The Plainchant Gradual Vols 1 and 2

The Plainchant Gradual Vols 3 and 4

The Salisbury Antiphoner

Introits of the Sarum Rite

Images for Use in Liturgy Programs

The entire set found here

Pittsburgh is for Composers

As has become custom, the Colloquium in Pittsburgh will feature a new music reading session on Saturday, June 26, 2010. If you have a piece of music you would like to submit for possible performance by the group at large at the session, please send it to in PDF format (limited to 15 pages) by May 15, 2010. Your submission will be published in the New Music Session 2010 packet. You must be a registered participant of the Colloquium in order to have your work included. There is a $20 submission fee, payable via paypal or by check to our programs office: CMAA Programs, 166 North Gay St., #19, Auburn, AL 36830.

Sacred, Beautiful, Universal: The Full Movie

SACRED, BEAUTIFUL, & UNIVERSAL: Colloquium XIX from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.
