Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Sacred Liturgy Conference in Spokane, WA

Sacred Liturgy Conference June 9-12, 2020 in Spokane, WA

Schola Cantus Angelorum is pleased to announce the eighth annual Sacred Liturgy Conference to be held in Spokane Washington, June 9-12, 2020. It will take place on the campus of Gonzaga University, St Aloysius Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes.

This year’s theme is “Incarnation in the Eucharist”. We are overjoyed to have on our faculty His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Müller. Cardinal Muller will give the keynote address and will celebrate the Pontifical Mass of Corpus Christi, Eucharistic Procession, and Benediction at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Other distinguished faculty members include: Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB, Dr. John Haas, Dom Alcuin Reid, Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God, OSB, Rev. Pius Pietrzyk, OP, Rev. Gabriel Mosher, OP, Dr. Anthony Clark, Dr. Kevin Clarke, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Rev. Theodore Lange, Lucas Viar, Alex Begin and Doug Schneider.

The Sacred Liturgy Conference is the largest liturgical conference in North America with participants from all over the world. Our mission is to enrich our knowledge and understanding of the liturgy and to participate more deeply in the sacrificial offering of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Mass. The 2020 faculty will illuminate the Incarnation as inseparable from the Cross, Resurrection, and the Holy Eucharist. The four Masses will be celebrated in the two forms of the Roman Rite and in the Dominican Rite with sacred the music prescribed by the Church.

Come join us as we renew our appreciation and love for our Catholic Faith. To find out more specifics about the schedule, accommodations, and how to register for the conference go to You may also call (503) 558-5123 or email Space is limited and an “Early Bird Special” rate available through March 1, 2020.

Gregorian Chant Weekend at Clear Creek Abbey

Gregorian Chant Weekend

October 4-6, 2019

View from the Abbey

The Gregorian Chant Weekend is an opportunity for the faithful to sing Gregorian Chant at Holy Mass and in the Divine Office. Instruction is given through preparing to sing for the liturgy.  Beginners are welcome. The weekend begins Friday, October 4th, immediately following the monastic office of Vespers (at 6pm) in the crypt of the Abbey church. It ends with a picnic after 11:00 am Mass on Sunday.

The weekend will feature:
•       Compline sung Friday and Saturday night
•       Mass sung Saturday and Sunday morning
•       Conference on the history of Gregorian Hymns
•       Instruction throughout the day (beginning at 8:30am) with a break for lunch
•       Picnic after Sunday Mass

For more information, visit the Abbey website at or call the Abbey at (918) 772-2454.



Accommodations for women will be available in either Bethany House (as space allows) or the Log Cabin. Meals are not provided for those staying in the Log Cabin.

Accommodations for men will be in the Guesthouse of the new monastery, as well as in the oratory building of the old monastery.

Make plans now to attend the 2019 Chant Weekend at the Abbey!

Southeastern Sacred Music 5th Annual Workshop

The fifth annual Southeastern Summer Sacred Music Workshop will take place in Birmingham, Ala., on Friday, August 9, and Saturday, August 10. This year’s workshop is to be hosted by the Cathedral of St. Paul, 2120 3rd Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35203. Singers, organists, clergy, and laity alike will come from all over the Southeastern United States to learn about sacred music and singing the Mass. 

Participants from novice to expert will have the opportunity to join a chant group and motet ensemble of their choosing. Those who are new to chant are highly encouraged to attend. The workshop begins at 3 p.m. on Friday with a session on chanting the Divine Office followed by a group rehearsal for singing Vespers at 5 p.m.  Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy an  Hors d’oeuvres reception at the Cathedral rectory and a free choral concert by the Highland Consort at 7:30 p.m. Saturday will feature chant and polyphony rehearsals along with a plenary address given by Fr. Justin Ward, director of the Office of Sacred Liturgy for the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. The event will culminate with a sung liturgy Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m.

The $90 registration fee covers all materials as well as a coffee and lunch on Saturday.To register, please visit the website,

Maine Sacred Music Conference – 1st Annual

On Friday, August 9, 2019, the Basilica of Ss. Peter & Paul, in Lewiston, ME, will host the first Annual Maine Sacred Music Conference. Join Catholic musicians, religious, and lay people dedicated to the revival of the centuries-old commitment to beauty and reverence in Catholic liturgy as they explore the liturgical forms and practices that have long formed the foundation of Catholic worship.

The keynote speaker for the day will be Dr. Jennifer Donelson, director of the Schola Cantorum of St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie) in New York, and the Metropolitan Catholic Chorale. Ms. Donelson is an associate professor and the director of sacred music at St. Joseph’s Seminary, where she also teaches sacred music courses in the St. Cecilia Academy for Pastoral Musicians. She is the President of the Society for Catholic Liturgy, serves on the board of the Church Music Association of America, and is the managing editor of the CMAA’s journal Sacred Music. She has published extensively on Gregorian chant, the sacred liturgy, and the music of Olivier Messiaen and Charles Tournemire, and has served as the organizer for numerous conferences on these and related topics, including the 2015 Sacra Liturgia conference in New York.

Morning lecture topics will include an introduction to the Catholic liturgical tradition and the spirituality of Gregorian Chant, while afternoon workshops will be dedicated to the practical, teaching and learning Gregorian chant and introducing it to parishes. The day will end with a traditional Latin Mass celebrated in the Basilica’s Upper Church.

For more information about registration and schedule, contact Scott Vaillancourt at

The 29th Sacred Music Colloquium (2019)

“Six Days of Musical Heaven”

July 1 – 6, 2019
Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

More information on the Sacred Music Colloquium…

The Church Music Association of America is proud to invite you to celebrate with us as we hold our 29th Colloquium in 2019, to be held at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The CMAA’s Sacred Music Colloquium continues to be the largest and most in-depth teaching conference and retreat on sacred music in the world. Our 2019 program offers new and expanded opportunities for learning, singing, listening, and interacting with some of the best minds and musicians in the Catholic world today! All liturgies will be held at the Basilica.

The CMAA Colloquium is primarily focused on instruction and experience in chant and the Catholic sacred music tradition, participation in chant choirs, lectures and performances and daily liturgies. During the week, you’ll be able to participate in ordinary and extraordinary form Masses, in Latin, Latin/Spanish and English, Vespers, and daily sung morning and night prayer.

As a participant, you are an integral part of the beautiful music from the Roman Catholic tradition. Experience not only the traditional Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony of the church’s musical treasure, but also new compositions of English propers and ordinaries by various composers, as well as modern motets. For the second year, the Sacred Music Colloquium will also offer Mass in Spanish, with Spanish propers and a Latin Ordinary for our Thursday liturgy.

Read on…
