Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Caecilia Archives

Monteverdi Motets, Vocal Pedagogy, and what, Chironomy?

It’s all part of Sacred Music Colloquium XIX, coming up in a few weeks at Loyola University. Aside from daily chant (five scholas!) and polyphony (five choirs!) rehearsals, this year we’re featuring breakout sessions that go into more depth in the areas you’ve asked for. The difficulty for most of us will be deciding which to attend. More details can be found here.

New Music Reading Session

There is a new music reading session on Saturday of the Sacred Music Colloquium. If you have a piece of music you would like to submit for inclusion in the 2009 new music volume, please send it to in PDF format by June 10. Each composer may submit up to two pieces, for a total limit of 15 pages. A piece is either a motet or a Mass movement, Latin- or English-texted; hymns are permitted but not encouraged. In your e-mail, be sure to include your contact information for inclusion in the book. As this is a composers’ forum as much as a reading session, participation is limited to registered Colloquium participants. There is a $20 submission fee, paid through paypal or by check to our programs office (address in the footer of this page). The fee covers the cost of printing the volume, and saves you from having to make 200 copies of each of your submitted compositions.

Colloquium XIX poster

Winter 2008 and Spring 2009

Two new issues of Sacred Music are now online for the viewing and downloading, in the archives.
