Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Southeastern Sacred Music Workshop 2018: Charlotte, NC, July 27-28

The fourth annual Southeastern Summer Sacred Music Workshop will take place in Charlotte, N.C., on Friday, July 27, and Saturday, July 28, 2018. This year’s workshop is to be hosted by the Cathedral of St. Patrick, 1621 Dilworth Road East, Charlotte 28203.

Singers, organists, clergy, and laity alike will come from all over the Southeastern United States to learn and sing Gregorian chant and polyphonic music.

Participants will have the opportunity to join a chant group and motet ensemble of their choosing, from beginner to advanced. The event will culminate with a sung liturgy Saturday afternoon.

Breakout courses will be offered on a variety of topics of interest to music directors, singers, organists, and clergy.

The $75 registration fee covers all materials as well as a light breakfast and lunch on Saturday.

The complete list of faculty in alphabetical order:
Rev. Fr. Charles Byrd-Chaplain and Break-out session presenter
Gianfranco DeLuca-organ
Kevin Faulkner-Experienced Men’s Chant Director
Tiffany Gallozzi-Chant Fundamentals/Novice Chant Director
Alex Hill-Break-out Session presenter
Tom Savoy-Polyphony Choir Director
Bridget Scott-Advanced Women’s Chant Director

Voice instructors: Jonathan Eason and Maria McDaniel Willathgamuwa will be available for private lessons as well as presenting individual break-out sessions.

There will be numerous break-out sessions from which to choose, including: “Elevating Spanish Liturgy without Killing the Culture”, “Getting the Most and the Best from a Small Parish Choir”, “Why We Sing: The Historical Precedent for Liturgical Singers”, “It’s about the Future: Forming Children in the Faith Through Children’s Choirs”, Organ Master Class with Gianfranco DeLuca, and private voice lessons will be available.

Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis, JCD, Diocese of Charlotte, will be the principal celebrant and homilist at the concluding Mass.

Click to reserve a hotel room at the Courtyard Charlotte City Center at the group rate of $129 per night. To receive the group rate, reserve your room by June 27.

For all the details, including faculty bios, visit their website here: SOUTHEASTERN SACRED MUSIC

We hope to see you there!

Online registration and payment are available now. Participants may also pay by check, if preferred.

CMAA Summer Courses – 2018

Announcing the 2018 CMAA Summer Courses

We are happy to announce the opening of registration for the coming Summer Courses with the CMAA. Four courses will be offered this year, during the week of June 18-22, 2018, at the Mary Pappert School of Music at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Four Courses offered will be:

Chant Intensive, taught by David Hughes
Clear Creek Monastery’s Laus in Ecclesia – Level One, taught by Br. Mark Bachmann
Ward I – That All May Sing*, taught by Scott Turkington
Ward II – Intermediate*, taught by Wilko Brouwers

Get all the details about the schedule, details of the courses, housing options and registration at our webpage:


Online and mail-in registration is now available.



*CMAA Ward Courses do not offer Ward Center accreditation or have any affiliation with the Center for Ward Studies.

A Revival of Gregorian Chant

In McLean, Virginia, Gregorian chant has experienced a revival at the parish of St. John the Beloved. Under the leadership of the pastor, Fr. Christopher Pollard, Gregorian chant is heard at all parish liturgies and is also taught as part of the parish school curriculum.

Catholic News Service has created a series of videos about the parish program.

We have a YouTube playlist created here: YOUTUBE PLAYLIST

In addition, the UK newspaper Catholic Herald has a companion article from CNS.



chattanooga-aSoutheastern Sacred Music’s Summer Workshop | July 21-22, 2017 | St. Brigid Parish, Johns Creek, GA

The workshop begins on Friday, July 21, at 1:30 p.m. and concludes with Mass at 5 p.m. Saturday, July 22. The program includes chant sessions, polyphony sessions, organ and voice lessons (by appointment), rehearsals for Mass, and a concert, as well as dinner on Friday and lunch on Saturday.




For more information, visit the Southeastern Sacred Music website. If you have questions, call 770-380-1523 or e-mail us.

Gregorian Institute of Canada – 12th Annual Colloquium

August 10-13, 2017 | Saint-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey (QC)

The Institute is proud to announce that its 12th Annual Colloquium will take place between August 10th and 13th, 2017 at the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac (Quebec).

The colloquium programme focuses on practical workshops in Gregorian chant directed by Jean Pascal Ollivry.

Workshops for beginners led by Jean-Pierre Noiseux, will also be offered.

Dom Richard Gagné, O.S.B., will give a talk on the life and work of his predecessor, Dom Georges Mercure, O.S.B., and on historical recordings of Gregorian chant made between 1936 and 1948 with the monks under Dom Mercure’s direction.

The colloquium will conclude with the celebration of Sunday Mass in the church of Saint-Patrice in Magog, where chant will be performed by colloquium participants.

Early bird Registration is available until Thursday, June 15, 2017. After that date, the full rate will apply.

The Program, Music pdf, and Registration Form are online at .
