Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

What Makes Music Sacred?

William Mahrt, president of the CMAA, will speak at the University of Virginia, Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:00pm, Monroe Hall, Room 110. More here.

June 2008: Chant Intensive

New in Events: Chant Intensive, with Scott Turkington, June 9-13, 2008, Chicago.

Rocky Mountain workshop receives enthusiastic reviews

Read what one participant has to say about the conference that took place this past weekend.

Report on Workshop in San Diego

Here are some excerpts from an article that appeared on December 19, 2007, in The Southern Cross, San Diego’s Diocesan paper:

Gregorian Chant may have “pride of place” among all forms of liturgical music, according to Vatican II, but few contemporary Catholics are able to sing it.

That is something that Mary Ann Carr-Wilson [and primary instructor at the workshop, Kathy Reinheimer of Reno, Nevada], who led a recent Groegorian Chant Workshop in San Diego, would like to change.

The workshop, titled “An Introduction to Sung Prayer,” was held Dec. 1 at Mission San Diego de Alcala. Some 40 people attended the workshop, which included two separate presentations, several opportunities for singing, a Mass celebrated by San Diego Auxiliary Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, and a Q & A session…

…”I think a workshop like this is way overdue, decades overdue,” said Bishop Cordileone, who describes Gregorian Chant as a “treasure of the Church” that “shouldn’t be hidden, kept under a bushel basket.”

“I see the purpose of this workshop as trying to finally get around to doing what the Church has been asking us to do for over 100 years,” the Bishop added, referring to the calls of both the Second Vatican Council and popes since Pope Pius X…

…Wilson hopes that such workshop can continue in San Diego. She said she also hopes the future will bring workshops specifically tailored for priests and seminarians, choir directors, singers, and others with a connection to liturgical music.

Recovering our past

We’ve made the decision: the archives of Sacred Music must be put online.

The scholarship and commentary in these past issues dating back to the 1960s is unsurpassed, and yet copies are very difficult to find. We plan to change that, and we are not talking about sometime this year. We want this done in the next few weeks.

Then we can turn to its predecessor journals and work backwards dating all the way back.

Would you consider a contribution to help cover the costs of scanning (very high quality), programming, and hosting? This would be a wonderful gift to the Church and the world.

Please help by going here now.

Your donation the to the CMAA is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Thank you for your support of the CMAA!
