Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Ostrowski Commissioned to Write Psalm Music

Jeffrey Ostrowski of Chabanel Psalms fame was commissioned to write the music for the Responsorial Psalm to be sung at the seminar on the sung Mass next week in Chicago. There will be OF English Masses, OF Latin Masses, and EF Masses. Ostrowski’s setting is for the English OF.

Music in the Extraordinary Form

Are you? or will you be responsible for Musica Sacra at Masses in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite ? If so, Don Capisco has a valuable hint for you. Check out the “motu proprio resources” now available from Preserving Christian Publications in Boonville NY. John Parrot and Brian Pouliot hav e now reprinted classic titles such as J.B.O’Connel’s “Celebration of Mass” and Fortescue’s “The Mass” as well as Fr Weller’s classic translation of the complete Roman Ritual in three volumes, The Roman Martyrology, the 1962 Rubrics of Missal and Breviary and Connelly’s Hymns of the Roman Liturgy in Latin and English. A high-quality repromt of the 1962 Benziger Missale Romanum in altar size with US dioc esan supplement, is on the way. The legitimate liturgist warmly recommends all of these volumes.

The competent Kapellmeister greets even more enthusiastically the musical reprints now available : the 1962 Desclee Liber Usualis and two very useful organ accompaniments by Achille P. Bragers of the old PIus X School in New York : low-key accompaniment for the complete Vatican Kyriale (including all the ad libitum Ordinary chants, the Requiem, the High Mass responses, etc.) and the two volumes (bound in one) of the organum comitans to the Proprium de Tempore, the seasonal Propers for Sundays and great feasts of the entire church year. The appearance of these volumes is indeed cause for rejoicing ! To PCP, tante grazie ! VOX 315/942-6338,;

Missale Romanum 1962

The full Missale Romanum is online, hosted by the CMAA and thanks to a generous gift from Fr. Robert Skeris.

Book on Msgr. Schuler

The Twin Cities Catholic Chorale of St. Agnes of St. Paul, Minnesota, has produced a lovely 80-page book of remembrance for Msgr. Schuler. You can view the book or find out more about it here.

Laszlo Dobszay’s great book

The Church Music Association of America is pleased to offer this free download of The Bugnini-Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform, by Laszlo Dobszay (2003)
