Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Register Now for a Ward Course!

You still have time… not much, but a little…

… to register to learn the Ward Method* with one of the finest Ward instructors in the US – Scott Turkington. Turkington will teach the CMAA’s Introductory Course this summer at Duquesne University as part of the CMAA’s summer course program.

In addition, the CMAA is also offering the next level of Ward Instruction for the first time this summer with instructor Wilko Brouwers, from the Netherlands. Wilko’s course will include the use of his newly published book Now I Walk In Beauty: 100 Songs and Melodies for School and Choir. Thanks to the generous donors who have supported this new publication, the book will be literally “hot off the presses” for our summer programs.

We still have room in our classes for a few more participants. Please make plans to join us in Pittsburgh June 26-30 at Duquesne University.

There will be two courses offered.

Ward Method I – That All May Sing will be taught by Scott Turkington. Participants will learn the basic principles and the practice of this method developed by Justine Ward in the early 20th century and how it can be used with our 21st century children. Its fundamental principle is that all children can learn to sing, not just those with natural gifts.

Ward Method II – Intermediate moves beyond the first year. Wilko Brouwers will share his expertise and experience with the method to pass on more advanced techniques. It will expand on the training in Ward Method I.

The CMAA is convinced that this method has great value for developing future generations of singers, both those in the choirs and those in the pews. You can be part of that project.

You can learn more details about the courses and register by following this link:


*Please note that CMAA Ward Courses are not affiliated with the Ward Centre.


Register Now for the 2017 Colloquium!

St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, Univ. of St. Thomas


June 19-24, 2017
University of St. Thomas
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Don’t delay… Register now for the CMAA’s Sacred Music Colloquium.





The CMAA’s Sacred Music Colloquium continues to be the largest and most in-depth teaching conference and retreat on sacred music in the world. Our 2017 program offers new and expanded opportunities for learning, singing, listening, and interacting with some of the best minds and musicians in the Catholic world today!

Liturgies will be held at three great venues – the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas on the University of St. Thomas campus, the Church of St. Mark, and St. Agnes Church. In addition, we will have an organ recital at the beautiful Cathedral of St. Paul on Wednesday evening.

Each participant typically participates in two choirs — one chant and one polyphony. You have the opportunity to sing with fantastic directors along with other participants who love sacred music at liturgies during the week. With wide-ranging breakout topics covering a host of subjects, you can expand your knowledge and hear what other musicians are doing across the country (and the world).

Enjoy the lovely campus of the University of St. Thomas, where the sessions will held during the week.

For all the details about the Colloquium, visit the Colloquium Main Page, Colloquium Details Page, and Faculty Page.


MusicaSacra Florida 2017 Conference

MusicaSacra Florida – 9th Annual Gregorian Chant Conference

Friday, May 19 & Saturday, May 20, 2017
at Saint Mark the Evangelist Church, Tampa, FL

The Florida Chapter of the Church Music Association of America (CMAA) is pleased to announce the 9th annual Musica Sacra Florida Gregorian Chant Conference.

The Conference will include:

Keynote Lecture

“Sacred Music in the Secular Sphere: Can Beauty Lead to the Good and the True?”, Mary Jane Ballou, D.S.M.


  • “Resources and Planning for a Parish Schola” (Edward Schaefer)
  • “From Square Notes to Round Gestures: How to Conduct Gregorian Chant” (Susan Treacy)

Chant Choirs
Scholae for beginning/intermediate (men & women), advanced men, advanced women

Opening Missa cantata in the Extraordinary Form on Friday evening. Music provided by the Schola of Epiphany of Our Lord Roman Catholic Church, Tampa, FL under the direction of Anders Bergmann.
Closing Missa cantata in the Ordinary Form on Saturday evening (anticipated Sunday Mass) with English & Latin chants provided by conference participants.

For all the details about the conference and how to register, visit:

Register Now for the Colloquium and Save $50!

st-mark-1Don’t miss the opportunity to register with Early rates for this summer’s Sacred Music Colloquium. Early registration ends March 1st, so don’t delay!

Get all the information about this year’s faculty, schedule, repertory, plenary speakers, breakouts and more at the Colloquium Details page.





Singing Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Polyphony – Chicago

St_John_CantiusJune 26-30, 2017 / Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Site: St. John Cantius Church, 825 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois

Michael Alan Anderson, director

The course will balance exposure to the genres and styles of traditional Western plainchant with the study and execution of Renaissance vocal polyphony. Sessions will center not just on performance but also on historical background, notation, and contemporary theory and practice. In a short concert at week’s end, students will present – as an SATB choir – an unpublished sixteenth-century polyphonic Vespers, which incorporates both chant and polyphony. This course is appropriate for church music directors, choral directors, and singers wishing to gain a stronger foundation in early music. The institute takes place in Chicago at St. John Cantius Church, recently named the most beautiful church in the United States and well known for its rich tradition of sacred music.

Participant Concert: A Renaissance Vespers – Friday, June 30 at 7:30 pm., St. John Cantius Church

INS 436
Singing Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Polyphony – Chicago

Professional Development Hours: 30
$1,550 / 1 credit CRN 18500
$650 / noncredit CRN 18496

To apply for this course: APPLY NOW
