Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Winter Sacred Music Book – Available for Download

The Music Book for the cover-front 2017 WINTER SACRED MUSIC (Birmingham, AL, January 2-6, 2017) is now available online!

You’ll receive a printed copy when you check in to registration in Birmingham, but you can get a look at it here in advance.


There is still time to register for Winter Sacred Music… come and join us in Birmingham in January and make some beautiful music.


WINTER SACRED MUSIC WEBPAGE (for all the details).

Winter Sacred Music 2017 – Birmingham, AL



Make plans now to join the CMAA in Birmingham, Alabama in the New Year! The Winter Sacred Music program for 2017 will be a great way to start the new year.

Study Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Polyphony with Scott Turkington and Nick Botkins, attend breakout sessions with Dr. William Mahrt, CMAA President.

Wednesday evening features an Early Music concert with the Highland Consort.

For all the details, visit our webpage: WINTER SACRED MUSIC

Early Registration has been extended… so sign up today!


Fall Sacred Music Retreat | Vancouver, WA

st-james-greater-croppedFALL SACRED MUSIC RETREAT

OCTOBER 7-8, 2016 | Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater
218 W. 12th St., Vancouver, Washington 98660

A Two-Day Introduction and Continuing Education of the Church’s Sacred Music:

The curriculum will be centered around learning the different areas of music within the Mass (Propers, Ordinaries, and sacred polyphony accessible to any choir) and enhancing the vocal technique required to attain such music. Lectures will also touch on the Sacred Liturgy as a whole, and the role music must play in returning to a proper understanding of the Mass.


Open to all choir directors and church musicians of any level:
$20 for individuals
$100 for parish choirs up to 15 members
$150 for parish choirs over 15 members

Register by October 1, 2016 by visiting


Friday, October 7th
5:00 pm: Check-in and Welcoming
5:30 pm: Opening Lecture: The Spirit of the Sacred Liturgy, Scott Powell
6:30 pm: Sung Vespers for the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm: First Rehearsal

Saturday, October 8th
9:00 am: Sung Votive Mass to the BVM by the St. James Collegium Musicum
10:00 am: Breakfast (provided) and Lecture: Singing THE Mass, not Singing AT Mass, Scott Powell
11:00 am: Voice Technique Part 1, Andrew Steele
12:00 pm: Second Rehearsal (with small break for lunch)
2:00 pm: Split Sessions: Vocal Technique 2, Andrew Steele
Q&A and Presentation for Music Directors, Scott Powell
3:30 pm: Final Rehearsal
5:00 pm: Sung Vigil Mass by all conference participants
6:00 pm: Farewell Reception




Scott Powell – Pastoral Assistant of Music and Liturgy, Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater. Director and Organist of the St. James Collegium Musicum


Andrew Steele – Baritone and Vocal Coach, Pastoral Assistant of Faith Formation of the Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater

Announcing Winter Sacred Music 2017


Winter Sacred Music 2017 | January 2-6, 2017 | Birmingham, AL

Get all the details about the upcoming Winter Sacred Music program at the program webpage and make plans to join us there. Join directors Scott Turkington and Nick Botkins for five days of Chant and Polyphony at the lovely Cathedral of St. Paul in Birmingham. Registration is now available. Space for this program will be limited, so make your plans to join us now.

Winter Sacred Music Webpage

Gregorian Institute of Canada – Chant Colloquium 2016

Member-College-Main-St-Augustine_0-300x188CHANT COLLOQUIUM 2016
August 11-14, 2016
Saint Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto

The Gregorian Institute of Canada is pleased to announce its 11th Annual Colloquium, to be held at St. Augustine’s Seminary, Toronto, ON, August 11-14. Our plans include a series of practical chant workshops ranging from introductory to advanced, featuring the outstanding clinician Adam Bartlett, composer and editor of Simple English Propers (CMAA, 2011), and editor of the Lumen Christi Missal, Lumen Christi Simple Gradual, and Lumen Christi Hymnal (Illuminare Publications, 2012-2015). Active as a teacher, workshop leader and speaker, Adam has traveled widely offering catechetical and training workshops on topics of Catholic sacred music and liturgical chant.

The colloquium also includes a series of scholarly papers in honour of the late Andrew Hughes, renowned Canadian chant scholar and Professor at the University of Toronto.

In addition to the workshops and lectures, there will be daily offices and Sunday mass sung with Gregorian Chant.

The Program and Registration Form are online at .
