Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Author Archives: SacredMusic

Apply for Colloquium Scholarships

StJohn1As in past years, our generous members and donors make it possible for us to offer scholarships to our Sacred Music Colloquium. If you are hoping to attend the event this year in St. Louis, Missouri, please don’t delay in getting your scholarship application to the programs office.

To apply for a CMAA Colloquium scholarship, please fill out the application form and scholarship recommendation form and submit them to us prior to April 7, 2016. All applications and recommendations must be received at our office by April 7, 2016.  In order to process your application, we must have both forms received by the deadline. If you have not received confirmation that your application was received in our office by April 6th, please email us at to assure you don’t miss the deadline. Since there is only one week left before the April 7th deadline, please complete the form and then scan and email to us at

Application Form
Scholarship Recommendation Form

Once we have closed the application period, our scholarship review committee will make their determination with a target date of mid-April. At that point, all applicants will receive an email informing them of the committee’s results.

If you have questions about any part of the application or recommendation form, please contact us at

If you want to donate to help make these and future scholarships available, you can donate to our Annual Fund either online, or by mail.

Los Angeles Symposium

LASymposiumA Sacred Music Symposium will be held in Los Angeles from May 29-31, sponsored by (the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter’s LA Apostolate). The Symposium is especially designed for music directors and singers who wish to introduce the glorious treasury of Gregorian chant and polyphony to their parish, but are unsure how to begin.

The Symposium is a unique opportunity to get resources and practical advice from experienced choirmasters, conductors, composers and organists, while learning polyphony and plainsong from Dr. Horst Buchholz (Choirmaster of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, Missouri) and Dr. Alfred Calabrese (Choirmaster of St. Rita Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas). The Symposium will culminate in an Extraordinary Form Solemn Mass, in which participants will sing movements from a Mass setting by Francisco Guerrero (d. 1599), one of Spain’s greatest composers.

The fee for the Symposium is just $135. To register, visit where full details of the planned events are listed.

Download the Symposium flyer.

New Organ Recording: Influences, by Jonathan Ryan

CMAA Board Member and Colloquium Faculty member Jonathan Ryan announces the release of a new solo organ recording available now!

Recorded on a specifically chosen European pipe organ famous for its brilliant fusion of German, French, and English Romantic styles, the repertoire centers around music with significant influences from another style or nationality, and which additionally makes strong connections between North America and Europe.

Included are major works by Healey Willan and Marcel Dupre: the German-inspired Introduction, Passacaglia, and Fugue, Op. 149 and Gregorian-chant based Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23 respectively.

Also featured is a commissioned piece by renowned English composer Philip Moore, and the recording premiere of Ride in a High Speed Train by contemporary Dutch composer Ad Wammes.

Colloquium attendees heard two of these works in Jonathan’s 2015 Colloquium recital at St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh, PA.

For more information about purchasing, visit Jonathan’s website.

In addition, a special Recording Release and CD Signing Reception is to be held Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 7:30 pm at Christ Church (Episcopal) in Greenwich, CT. Special guest, renowned English composer Philip Moore: Featuring the premiere performance of his commissioned piece. (map).

Conference Music Book Uploaded – Winter Sacred Music 2016


Winter Sacred Music 2016 – Houston, TX January 4-8, 2016

Download and preview the Music Book for the CMAA’s Winter Sacred Music 2016 today! The entire repertory is now available online!

MUSIC BOOK – Winter Sacred Music 2016

Still deciding about joining us in Houston? Don’t delay. Register now and avoid late fees.

Register Now and Save $50


Register for Winter Sacred Music by November 14th and save $50*!

Please join the CMAA for its first Winter Sacred Music course January 4-8, 2016 in Houston, Texas at St. Mary’s Seminary. Experience the intense chant training of a week-long course and the joy of singing in a polyphonic choir in the first week of the new year.

During the week, study with two masters, Wilko Brouwers and Scott Turkington, as they share their expertise in chant and polyphony. Be a part of the lovely music in two liturgies during the week — one in the extraordinary form, one in the ordinary form, in addition to the basics of singing morning and night prayer. Join us for the week’s breakout sessions by Dr. William Mahrt, and daily Mass (Thursday) with the children’s choir from St. Theresa’s Parish in Sugar Land, TX.

For useful links:

Register Now Online
Download Registration Form
Conference Hotel
Course Schedule
NEW! Repertory (preliminary)
NEW! Instructions for Priests, Deacons and Seminarians

For any questions, please contact us at

*Full payment of tuition by November 14th required for Early bird tuition rates.
