Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Upcoming Church Music Events

The CMAA is pleased to post information about your sacred music event. Contact us for details. See the forum for more church music events. If you are thinking of organizing a workshop, here are some practical suggestions, including a link to information on how to create your own online registration form.

Southeastern Sacred Music Weekend VII

Join us for the Southeastern Sacred Music Weekend!

Friday and Saturday, July 29-30, 2022
Holy Ghost Church
Knoxville, Tennessee

Southeastern Sacred Music invites you to join us for our seventh annual workshop, to be held at Holy Ghost, Knoxville’s oldest and most traditional Catholic church.

Whether you are a singer, a choir director, an organist, or a member of the clergy, this one-and-a-half day workshop is an ideal opportunity for you to:
• learn to read and sing Gregorian chant or further develop your chant skills,
• gain the skills and tools to immediately improve your parish music program, guided by the Church’s magisterial documents,
• explore repertory options (many of them available at no cost) for Mass, no matter what your parish or choir situation,
• learn how to chant Vespers and start singing Vespers in your parish, and
• study special topics including sacred polyphony, the use of the organ, restoring our Catholic musical tradition, and more.

Participants from novice to expert will have the opportunity to join a chant group and a motet ensemble of their choice. Those new to chant are highly encouraged to attend. The workshop will begin at 12:30 p.m. on Friday and culminate with a sung Mass Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m.

Presenters and facilitators will include Father Robert C. Pasley, KCHS, rector of Mater Ecclesiae Parish in Berlin, N.J., and chaplain of the Church Music Association of America; Jonathan Eason; Janet Gorbitz; Alex Hill; Maria Rist; Bridget Scott; Ryan Seaver; and Mary Weaver.

The registration fee ($75 through May 20; $90 afterward) covers all materials as well as lunch on Saturday and coffee and snacks both days. For more information, contact Mary Weaver at 865-437-8620, or use our contact form at To register and pay for the workshop, please visit our website,

Register Now for Colloquium 2022!


The Church Music Association of America is happy to announce that registrations are now being accepted for the 2022 Colloquium in Hagerstown, Maryland, June 20-25, 2022. Once again, we will celebrate liturgies together, sing in choirs, learn from outstanding faculty and enjoy the camaraderie that we’ve all missed in the past two years.

Don’t delay making your registration, as we do have limited capacity this year.

For all the details about the Colloquium, including schedule, repertory, faculty, scholarships, and more, visit our Colloquium page to get all the information.


Register Now for CMAA Summer Programs!

The Church Music Association of America (CMAA) is happy to announce that we will be holding in-person events this year. We hope you’ll make plans to join us for lovely liturgies, inspiration, education, and camaraderie.

SUMMER COURSES | June 14-18, 2022 | St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Hagerstown, MD

SACRED MUSIC COLLOQUIUM | June 20-25, 2022 | St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Hagerstown, MD

Both events are also hosted by The Collegium of Hagerstown, Maryland.


Our SUMMER COURSES will include:

  • NEW!!! Vocal Training Intensive, Dr. MeeAe Cecilia Nam, Instructor
  • Laus in Ecclesia – Level One (Clear Creek Abbey), Kathy Reinheimer, Instructor
  • NEW!!! Laus in Ecclesia – Level Two (Clear Creek Abbey), Br. Mark Bachmann, Instructor

For details about the courses and the schedule, visit our webpage here: SUMMER COURSES.


The SACRED MUSIC COLLOQUIUM will feature the opportunity to sing in chant and polyphony choirs, hear inspiring plenary talks and breakouts, join in morning and night prayer, and add your voice to the music at liturgies Tuesday – Saturday, plus Vespers on Thursday.

The liturgies at St. Mary’s Catholic Church will be:

  • June 21, 2022, 4:30 pm, Mass, Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Novus ordo (NO), Spanish / Latin
  • June 22, 2022, 4:30 pm, Mass, Memorial of Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More, NO, English
  • June 23, 2022, 4:30 pm, Mass, Nativity of St. John the Baptist, NO, Latin
  • June 23, 2022, 7:00 pm, Vespers, 1st Vespers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Usus antiquior (UA), Latin
  • June 24, 2022, 4:30 pm, Mass, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (UA), Latin
  • June 25, 2022, 10:30 am, Mass, Requiem Mass for Deceased CMAA Members, UA, Latin

For all the details about the Colloquium, including faculty, choirs, repertory, schedule, detail about breakout topics, visit our webpage here: SACRED MUSIC COLLOQUIUM.


If you want to help support our in-person programs, particularly for scholarships and reduced registration fees for seminarians and students, please consider making a donation to the CMAA.


Save the Dates – Colloquium and Summer Courses!

The CMAA is delighted to announce that our upcoming Sacred Music Colloquium will be held in Hagerstown, Maryland June 20-25, 2022 at St. Mary’s Parish in Hagerstown.

In addition, our Summer Courses will also take place at St. Mary’s in Hagerstown, Maryland June 14-18, 2022. The Summer Courses offered will be

  • NEW!!! Vocal Pedagogy, taught by Dr. MeeAe Cecilia Nam
  • Laus in Ecclesia Level One, taught by Kathy Reinheimer
  • NEW!!! Laus in Ecclesia Level Two, taught by Fr. Mark Bachmann, choirmaster at Clear Creek Abbey

We hope you’ll make plans to join us. Our online registration and full details will be forthcoming, so stay tuned!

Announcing: Sacred Music Boot Camp

The Church Music Association of America presents

October 15-17, 2020
Live on Zoom

Don’t know where to start?
Looking to grow from the ground up?
Need fresh ideas?

Find inspiration and spiritual refreshment as our experts field your questions about developing your parish sacred music program.

Price: $30
Daily spiritual reflection and Compline: FREE admission

Spanish Sessions on Thursday: FREE admission


Topics include these and more:

  • The Hierarchy of the Sung Liturgy: When and What to Sing
  • How to Read Square Notes
  • How to Start a Chant Choir
  • The Basics of Conducting Chant
  • The Role of the Organ in the Liturgy: When and What to Play
  • How Did We Get Here: the History of Sacred Music After Vatican II in the U.S.
  • Building a Music Program Budget
  • and more…

For all the details, visit our webpage at:



Announcing the CMAA’s Virtual Colloquium 2020!

Sacred Music Virtual Colloquium 2020
July 6 – 10, 2020


The Church Music Association of America is proud to invite you to join us in our first Virtual Sacred Music Colloquium. As the world contends with the effects of the worldwide pandemic, the CMAA’s Sacred Music Virtual Colloquium will be designed to provide sessions that will be useful to you during these times of musical restrictions, as well as moving forward toward the future. Our virtual program offers opportunities for learning, singing, listening, and interacting with some of the best minds and musicians in the Catholic world today!

The CMAA Virtual Colloquium will be primarily focused on instruction in topics related to chant, polyphony and the Catholic sacred music tradition, lectures and daily night prayer. During the week, you’ll be able to participate in all these sessions via your home computer using the Zoom app. At the end of each breakout session there will be a question and answer session.

Virtual Colloquium Highlights

    • Breakout sessions during the week on a variety of topics, from directing, organ improvisation, Catholic Music in Time of Pandemic, children’s programs, vocal pedagogy and Ward Method, Spanish Musical Resources (in Spanish), Programming for your Choir, Rehearsing the Choir, Medieval Analysis, and The Jubilus of the Alleluia, among others.
    • Daily Spiritual Reflections provided by our chaplain, Rev. Robert Pasley.
    • Night Prayer – Roman Rite, Extraordinary Form
    • Evening Panel Discussions and opportunities to share experiences.


Visit the Main Virtual Colloquium Page for all the details about the Schedule, Descriptions of Breakout Sessions, Faculty Information, Registration details and more.

Online Summer 2020 Sacred Music Study

In a time when what the summer holds seems unclear, here’s something to look forward to! St. Joseph’s Seminary has made a transition of all summer classes to an online format, and you can take up to 13 graduate credits in sacred music. Classes are taught by Drs. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka, Crista Miller, and Timothy McDonnell.

More information and registration available here.

Principles of Sacred Music
Through a survey of the history of sacred music and reading of Church and papal legislation on sacred music, students gain an understanding of the principles which shape Western sacred music and the musical structure of the Roman rite. Special focus is placed on current documents which govern music in the Church. The course also features in-depth discussion of practical issues including the formation and management of sacred music programs in parishes, active participation, progressive solemnity, the use of instruments in the sacred liturgy, resources available for music directors and choristers, and other relevant topics. Asynchronous on-line June 1–July 26, synchronous (live) online July 27 and 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fulfills course requirements for the St. Cecilia Academy certification. Taught by Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka.

Principles of Chant
Serving as an introduction to Gregorian chant, this course will cover neumatic notation, Gregorian modes, ear training and sight reading, vocal technique appropriate for singing chant, and Latin pronunciation. Special focus will be placed on rhythmic interpretation of the chant according to the classical Solesmes (Mocquereau) method. By the end of the class, students will have confidence singing from the Graduale Romanum, solfège, and psalm tones, and some experience in conducting (chironomy). Additional topics introduced in the class include the history of Gregorian chant, rehearsal techniques for teaching chant to children and adult choirs, and an introduction to chant resources in English and Spanish. Synchronous (live) online July 13–17, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fulfills course requirements for the St. Cecilia Academy certification. Taught by Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka.

Teaching Gregorian Chant to Children
This 5-day intensive course will present pedagogical techniques for teaching Gregorian chant to children and is ideal for Catholic schoolteachers, directors and teachers of religious education, directors of children’s choirs, and parents. Special emphasis will be placed on the Ward Method, a comprehensive music education method designed to teach sacred music to children. Other topics addressed will include resources for teachers, other teaching approaches, and the logistics of developing a sacred music program for children. Synchronous (live) online July 20–24, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Taught by Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka.

Conducting and Group Vocal Pedagogy for the Parish Music Director
Strategies and practice in conducting and teaching healthy vocal production to amateur singers. Synchronous (live) online July 29–31, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Taught by Dr. Timothy McDonnell.

Introduction to the Organ for Pianists
Essential knowledge and practice with registration, good technique, pedaling, hymn- and service-playing, and appropriate repertoire. Synchronous (live) online August 3–7, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00-6:00 p.m. Taught by Dr. Crista Miller.

50 % discount for 1st-time students or musicians in the St. Cecilia Academy for Pastoral Musicians.
The St. Cecilia Academy is open to all parish and school musicians who obtain a letter of support from their pastor.
Full price: $500 to audit, $500 per credit hour (some classes are 2 credits, others are 3 credits)

Brochure available here. 

FAQ here. 


Dr. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka is an Associate Professor and the Director of Sacred Music at St. Joseph’s Seminary. Her scholarly and practical expertise lies in Gregorian chant and the Church’s teachings on sacred music. She has served as the president of the Society for Catholic Liturgy (SCL), and is currently on the board of the SCL and the Church Music Association of America (CMAA). Dr. Donelson-Nowicka is the managing editor of the CMAA’s quarterly journal Sacred Music, and is a consultant to the USCCB’s Committee on Divine Worship. She directs the Metropolitan Catholic Chorale, which she founded, as well as the St. Joseph’s Seminary Schola Cantorum. She is on the faculty of Cardinal Kung Academy in Stamford, CT, and teaches Gregorian chant to children using the Ward method in both Pelham and Sleepy Hollow, NY. Having given workshops in parishes, dioceses, and monasteries around the world, she also co-hosts Square Notes: The Sacred Music Podcast. 


Dr. Timothy McDonnell is Director of Choral Activities at the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music at The Catholic University of America. Widely recognized for his broad skill set and musicianship, conductor-composer McDonnell has earned a reputation for creativity and leadership on and off the podium. Dr. McDonnell has led several distinguished ensembles, including the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra, the Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra, and the Collier County Sinfonietta, and has worked with some of the most renowned conductors in the world, including Gustavo Dudamel, Andrey Boreyko, Carlos Miguel Prieto, Cristian Macelaru, and Robert Page. Having worked with a variety of university and professional ensembles throughout the world, Dr. McDonnell’s performances have won national recognition. In 2013 McDonnell was a finalist for the American Prize in choral conducting for his performance of Mozart’s Requiem, and in 2014 he took third place in the 2014 American Prize for his performance of Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem. 

Dr. Crista Miller is the Director of Music and Organist at Houston’s Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, where she directs the adult and children’s choirs and the concert series. Her Organ Committee was responsible for Martin Pasi’s 2010 Opus 19 organ. Her recent double-CD Bonjour and Willkommen: A Franco-German Debut (Acis Productions) has been hailed by Gramophone Magazine for “superlative artistry . . . and musical intelligence.” Dr. Miller has performed in 11 countries and 26 states, and is an engaging conference presenter. Her research on Naji Hakim’s music appears in the 2014 book Mystic Modern: The Music, Thought, and Legacy of Charles Tournemire and in December 2015’s ORGAN: Journal für die Orgel. Her students have served several parishes and successfully competed nataionally. Crista earned the DMA from the Eastman School of Music in 2006.  She continues to serve Eastman’s EROI in a leadership and research role.

CMAA Summer Chant Courses 2020

June 15-19, 2020
University of Florida | Gainesville, Florida


The CMAA is proud to present three summer courses for 2020. All courses will be held concurrently at the University of Florida (Gainesville) Music School. We are now accepting registration for the following three courses:

Advanced Chant and Semiology, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Instructor

Laus in Ecclesia – Level One, Kathy Reinheimer, Instructor

Laus in Ecclesia – Level Two, (Clear Creek Abbey), Br. Mark Bachmann, Instructor

For all the details, including class descriptions, schedule, housing and more go to: CMAA SUMMER COURSES – 2020

Register by March 1, 2020 for Early Registration rates.

ONLINE REGISTRATION (Univ. of Florida – Gainesville)

Sacred Liturgy Conference in Spokane, WA

Sacred Liturgy Conference June 9-12, 2020 in Spokane, WA

Schola Cantus Angelorum is pleased to announce the eighth annual Sacred Liturgy Conference to be held in Spokane Washington, June 9-12, 2020. It will take place on the campus of Gonzaga University, St Aloysius Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes.

This year’s theme is “Incarnation in the Eucharist”. We are overjoyed to have on our faculty His Eminence Gerhard Cardinal Müller. Cardinal Muller will give the keynote address and will celebrate the Pontifical Mass of Corpus Christi, Eucharistic Procession, and Benediction at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Other distinguished faculty members include: Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB, Dr. John Haas, Dom Alcuin Reid, Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God, OSB, Rev. Pius Pietrzyk, OP, Rev. Gabriel Mosher, OP, Dr. Anthony Clark, Dr. Kevin Clarke, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Rev. Theodore Lange, Lucas Viar, Alex Begin and Doug Schneider.

The Sacred Liturgy Conference is the largest liturgical conference in North America with participants from all over the world. Our mission is to enrich our knowledge and understanding of the liturgy and to participate more deeply in the sacrificial offering of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Mass. The 2020 faculty will illuminate the Incarnation as inseparable from the Cross, Resurrection, and the Holy Eucharist. The four Masses will be celebrated in the two forms of the Roman Rite and in the Dominican Rite with sacred the music prescribed by the Church.

Come join us as we renew our appreciation and love for our Catholic Faith. To find out more specifics about the schedule, accommodations, and how to register for the conference go to You may also call (503) 558-5123 or email Space is limited and an “Early Bird Special” rate available through March 1, 2020.

Gregorian Chant Weekend at Clear Creek Abbey

Gregorian Chant Weekend

October 4-6, 2019

View from the Abbey

The Gregorian Chant Weekend is an opportunity for the faithful to sing Gregorian Chant at Holy Mass and in the Divine Office. Instruction is given through preparing to sing for the liturgy.  Beginners are welcome. The weekend begins Friday, October 4th, immediately following the monastic office of Vespers (at 6pm) in the crypt of the Abbey church. It ends with a picnic after 11:00 am Mass on Sunday.

The weekend will feature:
•       Compline sung Friday and Saturday night
•       Mass sung Saturday and Sunday morning
•       Conference on the history of Gregorian Hymns
•       Instruction throughout the day (beginning at 8:30am) with a break for lunch
•       Picnic after Sunday Mass

For more information, visit the Abbey website at or call the Abbey at (918) 772-2454.



Accommodations for women will be available in either Bethany House (as space allows) or the Log Cabin. Meals are not provided for those staying in the Log Cabin.

Accommodations for men will be in the Guesthouse of the new monastery, as well as in the oratory building of the old monastery.

Make plans now to attend the 2019 Chant Weekend at the Abbey!

More information on events is at our past events archive page.

Keep in touch
