Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Upcoming Church Music Events

The CMAA is pleased to post information about your sacred music event. Contact us for details. See the forum for more church music events. If you are thinking of organizing a workshop, here are some practical suggestions, including a link to information on how to create your own online registration form.

Music Training for Priests

The sung Mass remains the normative form in the Roman Rite. Indeed, the Second Vatican Council said that singing the Mass texts ennobles the liturgy. But this is not the norm in most parishes. Many celebrants are ready to take the step, but they need training in the finer details and the confidence to begin.

To provide this training is the purpose of “Missa in Cantu: A Seminar in the Sung Mass for Celebrants,” as sponsored by the Church Music Association of America and St. John Cantius parish in Chicago, Illinois. The dates are October 17-19, 2007, and the cost is $165 including meals. The location is St. Cantius, 825 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, Illinois. Registration Deadline: September 17, 2007. You can register and pay online at

The seminar includes tracks for the new and old forms of the Roman Rite. It is designed for celebrants who have never before attempted to sing the Mass, and also those who need to refine their abilities. This seminar broadens the full range of liturgical possibilities. Even for those who know no Latin, it is easier to learn through singing than merely speaking. And the seminar is open for those who are interested in observing the extraordinary rite, even if celebrating it isn’t yet viable.

The seminar covers: the basics of common tones; singing the collects, readings, prefaces, and other parts of the Mass; the musical rubrics for the Roman rite; the integration of the celebrant, schola, and people; the literature and the wide range of options, vocal production and style; and much more.

The faculty has many years of experience in training priests for the sung Mass. They are all specialists in the rationale, method, and liturgical management of the sung Mass: Fr. C. Frank Phillips, C.R., pastor of St. John Cantius; Fr. Scott Haynes, St. John Cantius; William Mahrt, Stanford University (President of the Church Music Association of America); and Scott Turkington, Stamford Schola Gregoriana (Gregorian Chant Master Class).

The seminar begins at noon on Wednesday and concludes with lunch on Friday. Sessions take place at the parish and daily Masses will be celebrated in this splendid Church that has achieved national prominence for its multiplicity of liturgical forms and its vast musical program.

Participants can also join the members of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius and their parishioners for all of the hours of the Divine Office, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, Solemn Benediction, and the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Ordinary Form (in both English and in Latin, 1970 Missale Romanum), as well as in the Extraordinary Form (1962 Missale Romanum).

They will be joined by several parish choirs, including the Cantate Domino Choir (girl choir), the Holy Innocents’ Choir (children’s choir), Schola Cantorum of St. Gregory the Great (men’s schola) and the Sine Nomine Choir and Orchestra (adult mixed choir and orchestra).

For more information, go to, or write You can also write CMAA Registration, 920 Sanders St., Auburn, Alabama 36830 or call 334-444.5584.

Feast of St. Ann

Training in the Sung Mass

Colloquium Week!

It is going to be a very exciting week in the history of the CMAA and sacred music generally. The largest colloquium in the program’s history begins in Tuesday, an event that was unexpectedly filled to capacity two months ahead. We hope that everyone benefits from it. Certainly many people have put long hours into the preparation, and we all look forward to it with joy.

You are invited to attend our daily Masses at 10:30am at the Crypt Church of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.. They begin in Wednesday. On Sunday, the Mass will be at 5:00pm at Old Saint Mary’s in Chinatown, and, on Sunday, the Mass will be at 10:00am in the Crypt Church.

Study tour July 2008

“Gregorian Chant in the Heart of the Alps – The Early Middle Ages” is the theme of a study tour to be led by Fr Robert Skeris to Switzerland, Italy and Germany from 21 July to 01 August 2008, with lectures, workshops and sung services. Twelve days, three- and four-star accommodations, some meals.

Limited to 15 singers; music will be provided. Price $ 3016 plus taxes etc. Itinerary includes Island of Reichenau, Abbey Maria Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek St Gallen, Konvent St Johann in Müstair, Stift Marienberg in Malles/Venosta.

Also visits to sites associated with the ancestors of the CMAA : John B. Singen-berger’s church of baptism and Franz Xaver Witt’s grave in Landshut. Details : contact

Sing With Peter Phillips in Rome

From September 1 to 9, 2007, is an opportunity to be among 40 singers who will train in Rimini, Italy, with Peter Phillips, Ghislaine Morgan, Walter Marzilli, and Andrea Angelini, and sing at St. Peters in Rome. MusicaFicta has the details about repertoire, applications, and cost.

Gregorian Chant Workshop, Sleepy Hollow, New York

Una Voce Westchester is pleased to announce a two-part lecture on Gregorian chant by David Hughes this Sunday, Jan. 21st, and the following, Jan. 28th, at Immaculate Conception Church in Sleepy Hollow, New York.  Both talks are at 2:15 p.m. and will be followed by the celebration of the Latin (Tridentine) Mass at 3:00 p.m.  Session I: Proper Context and the Context of Propers: Chant in the Latin Mass.  Session II: Singing Chant at Mass.  Illustrations for the talks and chants at Mass will be sung by the Sleepy Hollow Schola Cantorum.  More information is available by calling 914-277-3368, or by visiting

Sacred Music Workshop, Auburn, Alabama

The St. Cecilia Schola of Auburn, Alabama, is sponsoring its 4th annual, ever growing, workshop in sacred music, February 16-17, 2006, under the direction of Scott Turkington. You can find out more and register here.

Priest Training in the Sung Mass

The CMAA is pleased to announce that the Sacred Music Colloquium 2007 (June 19-24) can offer daily priest training in the sung Mass, as taught by Fr. Robert Skeris. There is a growing need for this so that the fully sung liturgy can become part of the liturgical life of Catholics, precisely as the normative form of the Roman Rite suggests it should be. See the full schedule for times.

More information on events is at our past events archive page.

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