Sacred Music Colloquium, June 20 to 25

Tag Archives: 2014-colloquium

Colloquium Highlights: Wilko Brouwers

wilko_dirigiendoWilko Brouwers of the Netherlands will conduct one of the polyphonic choirs at XXIV CMAA Summer Colloquium in Indianapolis, as well as present a conducting breakout session entitled “How Does the Maestro Move?” He has taught both chant and polyphony at the CMAA Colloquia since 2004. This year the central work of his choir will be the Manuel Cardoso Missa de beata virgine from the Golden Age of Portuguese Polyphony. There will also be motets by composers as diverse as Grieg and Wadsworth.

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Colloquium Highlights: Dr. Ann Labounsky

ann-labounsky-by-terry-deglauWe are very pleased to have Dr. Ann Labounsky on the faculty of CMAA’s Colloquium XXIV. As professor of music and chairman of the Organ and Sacred Music degree programs at Duquesne University, she oversees undergraduate and graduate programs in sacred music.

This year, Ann will be offering two breakout sessions on current-day Solesmes. She will also be the organist for the Colloquium Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 5:00 p.m. on July 4, 2014 at St. John the Evangelist Church.

Dr. Labounsky is widely known, both in the United States and in Europe, as a virtuoso performer and improviser at the organ and particularly as a leading American disciple of Jean Langlais. From 1962 to 1964 she lived and studied in Paris as a Fulbright scholar. There, as an organ student of André Marchal

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Fiftieth Anniversary of the CMAA

The summer of 2014 . . .

marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Church Music Association of America and its journal Sacred Music. This will be the focus of celebration at Colloquium XXIV  in Indianapolis, June 30–July 6, 2014.

It is not as if this were a new society, even then, far from it. It was an amalgamation of the Society of St. Cecilia (1874) and the Society of St. Gregory (1913). In view of the importance music played in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from the Second Vatican Council, church musicians of the two societies saw the need to join forces to take advantage of the directions the council had indicated for the integration of the treasury of sacred music with substantive participation of the people in the sacred action: the great heritage of Gregorian chant and classical polyphony should enhance the participation of believers in the action of Christ in the Mass, and this should form a precedent for the composition of new sacred music. And so at a meeting in late September 1964, at Boys Town, Nebraska, members of these societies together established the CMAA as a continuation of their groups.

Soon after, new directions in Catholic Church music emerged that were not entirely in accord with the prescriptions of the council: the use of styles borrowed from popular music and so-called “folk music”

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Colloquium XXIV Highlights: Dr. Denis McNamara

mcnamaraPlenary Speaker Dr. Denis McNamara will speak to the Church Music Association at Colloquium XXIV at 11 a.m.  July 2 with an address entitled Liturgical Art and Architecture: The Essential Questions.

McNamara is assistant director and faculty member at the Liturgical Institute of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, a graduate program in Liturgical Studies founded by Cardinal Francis George of Chicago in the year 2000, where he teaches courses on the Liturgical Movement, Liturgical Art and Architecture, Liturgical Inculturation, and Sacramental Aesthetics. He holds a BA in the History of Art from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Architectural History from the University of Virginia, where he concentrated his research on the study of ecclesiastical architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Dr. McNamara makes a specialty of bridging the gap between the

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Colloquium XXIV Highlights: Jonathan Ryan

RyanWe are fortunate indeed to have Jonathan Ryan, Concert Organist,  on the CMAA’s Colloquium XXIV faculty this year in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ryan has been on the faculty of the Colloquium for several years, sharing his extensive experience with Roman Catholic liturgy with Colloquium attendees as a director of various choirs, as a breakout presenter and as an organist. Jonathan’s talents will be put to use greatly this summer as he organizes the

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